Hair transplant results: before and after images

We share some before and after hair transplant images to illustrate how we can change your look with FUE-2 Safe hair transplant method. Results may vary depending on each individual but the earlier you make the decison the better results can be achieved after your hair restoration. Take into account that fully grown hair will be visible in 8 month to a year. Most men choose hair transplants to treat receding hairline, thinning hair tops to get thicker hair. FUE hair transplant is the only lasting solution to treat alopecia, mature hairline and balding patches. Get back the original density of your hair in just 1-2 days and regain your self-esteem with us! You can save about 50% on your local hair restoration costs in Budapest, Hungary. High quality treatment, exceptional results at an affordable cost – this is what we offer at our hair clinic. Are you in? Register here.

Hair transplant results in a year

Hair transplant before and after images